Sage's Projects

Have I not updated the site in a while? It's not because I've stopped caring!! I just have so much other stuff I'm also working on! I am almost always hard at work on a creative project, but the sheer number of them and the fact that I can only focus on one at a time means that any specific one is likely to sit idle more often than it gets actively updated. But I do always cycle back around to them. If you really want me to work on a certain project, I respond well to positive encouragement, and you might get lucky and catch me as I'm getting ready to switch tracks, haha.

Here is a (probably not complete, but I'm doing my best!) list of other projects I've got going.

Storytelling and worldbuilding and stuff

Interactive Fiction

By interactive fiction, I don't mean like video games (although I do like making those too!). These are linear works of fiction, but the interaction of readers directly impacts the direction of the story. It's really fun to have readers fully control the protagonist, forcing me to improvise and adapt in my storytelling!

Non-Interactive Fiction

I don't really write a lot of standard fic myself, but I do like working with my friends who do.

Video Games and Video Game Adjacent Fiction

I love video games. Sure would like to finish one someday.

Other stuff

Tools and Toys

Sometimes I program stuff that isn't narrative-driven games.

General Art Projects

This is stuff like original species that have no worldbuilding, and that kind of thing.

Alterhuman community projects

If you don't know what these words mean, this section isn't for you, so don't worry about it.

Secret Projects

There are some projects that I'd prefer to publish anonymously, so they won't be getting described or linked here. However, I would like to be able to use this page as a personal reference when I'm thinking about what to work on, so here is a list of keywords to remind me of each secret project.

And of course... There is also always the possiblity I'm just spending 16 hours a day playing Rimworld or The Sims or Skyrim...