There are sixteen moons every year, divided into four moons for each of the four seasons. Their names are based on the Old Ponish words for flowers that Earthlings used to tell the season, since they would all bloom at different times.
Spring is the first season of the year. This is when Earthlings plant crops, and flowers bloom the most easily.
Jonquil is the first moon of Spring, and the first moon of the year.
Winter Wrap-Up is usually celebrated on the first of Jonquil.
Daisie is the second moon of Spring, and the second moon of the year.
Hearts and Hooves Day is celebrated in Daisie.
Vallilie is the third moon of Spring, and the third moon of the year.
Hawthorne is the fourth moon of Spring, and the fourth moon of the year.
Summer is the second season of the year. This is a busy time for everypony!
Ros is the first moon of Summer, and the fifth moon of the year.
The Summer Sun Celebration is held in Ros.
Nymphie is the second moon of Summer, and the sixth moon of the year.
Gladiol is the third moon of Summer, and the seventh moon of the year.
Poppie is the fourth moon of Summer, and the eighth moon of the year.
Autumn is the third season of the year. This is when most crops are harvested.
Aster is the first moon of Autumn and the ninth moon of the year.
Trees have their colors changed throughout Aster.
Glorie is the second moon of Autumn and the tenth moon of the year.
Nightmare Night is celebrated in Glorie.
Cosmarie is the third moon of Autumn and the eleventh moon of the year.
The Running of the Leaves is usually held in Cosmarie.
Mum is the fourth moon of Autumn and the twelfth moon of the year.
Mum is when hibernating animals are tucked into bed for the year.
Winter is the fourth season of the year. Most ponies stay inside to keep warm all Winter.
Amaryllie is the first moon of Winter and the thirteenth moon of the year.
Hollie is the second moon of Winter and the fourteenth moon of the year.
Hearth's Warming Eve is celebrated in Hollie.
Dianthie is the third moon of Winter and the fifteenth moon of the year.
Viola is the fourth moon of Winter and the sixteenth moon of the year.